Supporting Decision Making in the Context of Fertility Preservation
Division of Public Health Sciences
In the United States, over 80% of children and adolescents diagnosed with cancer will become long-term survivors. As the number of childhood cancer survivors living into adulthood grows, the need for fertility preservation awareness and treatment options are increasingly more significant. The goal of this project is to adapt the Pathways patient decision aid website on fertility preservation for use with adolescents and young adults (AYA) diagnosed with cancer and their families. To achieve this goal, the proposed work aims to conduct a needs assessment using questionnaires with multiple response options and open-ended questions on the usability, acceptability, and understandability of Pathways, as well as a subsample of follow-up interviews, which will guide the adaptation of Pathways for use with AYA.
This project is supported by the adolescent and young adult oncofertility resources from our Washington University School of Medicine clinical collaborators.
This project is led by Dr. Ashley Housten.